Normally, a petition must be submitted no later than three weeks following the development of the circumstances that have prompted the petition. Petitions for Late Withdrawal from a course will only be considered within 30 days of the last day of classes of the relevant course. Such petitions may be considered for a period of up to one year if they are based on special circumstances, but only if the student submits the petition as soon as possible following the 30-day submission deadline, and the documentation justifies the delay to the point of submission. Petitions for Deferred Standing are subject to the deadlines stated in the deferred standing section of this Web site.
The above timeframes ensure sufficient time for consideration by the Faculty Petitions Committee. Should a petition submission be delayed due to extenuating circumstances and/or the late completion of a Course Performance Summary by a course director/instructor or departmental representative, you may submit your complete petitions package after the above timeframes, however, the petition letter must include a request for late consideration. Details and supporting documentation must be provided. There are no guarantees that any petition will be resolved in time for course enrolment in a subsequent academic session, thus, you should plan accordingly.